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[ˌʌndəˈkʌvəʳ] adj (agent ) → segreto/a ; (meeting ) → clandestino/a


working or done in secret. He is an undercover agent for the Americans. geheim سِرّي таен encoberto tajný Geheim-. hemmelig μυστικός. που δουλεύει με κρυμμένη ταυτότητα secreto. clandestino salajane مخفی salainen clandestin חשאי गुप्त, खुफिया prikriven, tajni titkos menyamar leynilegur, leyni- segreto 秘密の 비밀의 slaptas(is) slepens pengintipan geheim hemmelig. skjult tajny پټ لټون، پټ (اقدام، عمل، اجرا اّت secreto sub acoperire тайный tajný tajen tajni hemlig อย่างลับ ๆ gizli 臥底的 таємний, секретний پردہ کے اندر giấu diếm, lén lút 秘密的,卧底的

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References in periodicals archive ?

What our clients learn from our investigation reports enables them to identify and respond to operational and security issues, which is why it's commonplace for our undercover operatives to remain in the same company for years," explains Barry Brandman.

com/tvshows/ undercover -boss-2015/episode-6-season-6/empirecls/299760) TV Guide. in " Undercover Boss" Season 6, episode 6 "EmpireCLS," EmpireCLS Worldwide Chauffeured Services, a luxury transportation company, will be under the spotlight as its chairman and CEO David Seelinger goes undercover .

23) Braszczok is a Mohawk-wearing thirty-two-year-old from Long Island City, Queens, who has been an officer with the NYPD for ten years and an undercover officer for the last five.

An investigation into undercover policing is under way by Metropolitan Police after it emerged the practice of using the identities of dead children was widespread in the force.

Unacceptable sexual relationships and the "ghoulish" use of dead children's identities by undercover cops has offered compelling evidence for an urgent review of legislation, the House of Commons Home Affairs Committee said.

His findings will be seen on Channel 4's Undercover Boss to be screened tonight.

Undercover Blondde are actresses Lesley Hughes and Veronica Kelly who between them have appeared in many productions in and around Liverpool.

Dad-of-three Sunny Idah was caught following an international operation involving Swiss and Irish undercover police.

26, the undercover agents met eight times with Mohamud to plan a car bomb attack in downtown Portland.

During his undercover experience CEO Bryan Bedford worked as an aircraft appearance agent and lavatory truck driver in Denver and as a cross-trained customer service agent in Oklahoma City, as well as working a shift at 35,000 feet as a Frontier flight attendant.

The Contemporary Significance of Undercover Policing

At the Supreme Court, small teams of undercover officers dress as students at large demonstrations outside the courthouse and join the protests to look for suspicious activity, according to officials familiar with the practice.